
Creators for Climate

Building a community for Climate Creators

Let’s explore the strategies and tools that can help scientists and creators alike better communicate about climate change. We feature podcast episodes, share our own tools & tutorials, and highlight the work of other creators in a casual and inspiring way.If you're looking to learn more about science communication or want to be inspired to create content about climate change, sign up for The Climate Zine - the newsletter. Join a growing community and get access to exclusive content, updates on our latest projects, and tips for communicating about climate change effectively.

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New sci com resources available now πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬

TL;DR Learn how to turn traditional science posters into social media content using the A.I.D.A. framework, a new field guide about gear and apps to use in science communication and access to new resources. πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ« The fundamental Sci Com Framework If you want to learn more about polar research go visit @apecsbelgium. Photo by @louise.delhaye A few questions to ask yourself when you want to start explaining your research to the public. Last week I was a guest at an event by APECS Belgium, the...

12 days agoΒ β€’Β 4 min read

TL;DR A first podcast guest, an opportunity to create content with impact and a tool to help you visualise the impact (and consequences) of climate actions. πŸŽ™οΈ Join the conversation on Threads Threads has been available in the EU for a while now, so it was time to join the conversation. Click here to go to the Creators For Climate Threads profile! I have to admit, I was happily surprised with how many great interactions I've had with the climate community. It's been especially helpful to...

about 2 months agoΒ β€’Β 5 min read

TL;DR We're ramping up production of the Creators For Climate Podcast. And we need your help! Also a small sci com update. πŸŽ™οΈ Grab that mic, it's Podcast time At the core of this project, I always envisioned a space where experts and creators could meet. A space to have conversations about what's happening to our planet, what we can learn from those insights and how we should adapt going forward. While the past entries of the newsletter were heavily focussed on science communication, today...

3 months agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

TL;DR A free online course on academic presenting, the podcast is on it's way, and yes: Creators For Climate is still here! πŸ§‘πŸ« Been a while! These past months have been a whirlwind of creativity, learning, and collaboration. Behind the scenes, Creators For Climate has been a media partner in an interesting project funded by Erasmus+, called RALDE; Rethinking Active Learning and Distance Education. This project allowed us to explore new and upcoming teaching approaches, such as Problem-Based...

3 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

TL;DR Creating Catalyst, a custom GPT build for science communication, and understand why conspiracy theories can have such a grasp on their believers. πŸ€– Have You Been Using AI? Very recently, OpenAI made it possible to build your own Custom GPTs. In line with this, I've been playing around and creating a new copilot "Catalyst", a GPT model specifically set up for the science communication community. Catalyst will aid you in transforming scientific papers and science/climate topics into...

6 months agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

TL;DR Key takeaways from a workshop with starting PhD's! We get into identifying your 'why' as a science communicator, choosing the right type of medium that aligns with your strengths as a creator, and how to define the audience you want to reach. Also, we're getting closer to the E-book release! πŸ‘©πŸ”¬ The testing starts now! The Science Communication 101 E-Book I didn't expect so many of you to apply... First of all some housekeeping and a big –no, huge– thanks to everyone who took the time to...

7 months agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

In this edition: Help shape the world of Science Communication and explore how you could get funded for your next piece of climate content! πŸ‘©πŸ”¬ Learn to talk about your research! The first Creators For Climate E-book: Science Communication 101 I'm looking for testers to take their first steps in science communication. I'm thrilled to announce the e-book that’s been my labor of love for the past year: Science Communication 101. Science Communication 101 is set up as a workbook that guides...

7 months agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

Welcome to the official Creators For Climate newsletter. your go-to place for exploring the intersection of climate science, content creation, and science communication. In each issue, we'll bring you some updates, inspiring stories, and practical insights to empower you as a climate creator or science enthusiast. Hi friend, Tom here! I rebooted the Creators For Climate initiative, but I also know it’s been a while since our starting days on social media. You can snoop around here and see if...

7 months agoΒ β€’Β 4 min read
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