Tools & tips to become a science communicator

Transform your research into content

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Start your science communication journey with our quick start field guides. Download our curated resources and practical tips to enhance your skills in climate content creation, effective science communication, and online media strategies.

We’re testing the workbook

In this comprehensive e-book we’ll transfer your research into content. From understanding your audience to getting comfortable creating blogs, podcasts and videos, this guide will help you navigate the world of science communication.
Learn more below


Get personalized coaching and workshops to amplify your research and engage a wider audience. Stand out with a unique brand that reflects your scientific expertise. These sessions are great to get ahead with online science communication.

Articles about Science Communication

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Need an example?

We noticed that many creators who want to talk about climate change feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the issue, and often lack inspiration for how to create engaging content. That's why we decided to create an example to inspire and motivate others to use their platform for positive change.

In Tom’s Plan B, Tom seeks the advice of experts on living a low impact lifestyle. Through challenges, vlogs and interviews he tries to document ways to make real change happen. Our hope for this show is that it will be a resource, a tool and an inspiration. A place researchers and creators can look at for their own creations and a platform for experts to share their oh-so-needed knowledge in a bitesized and approachable way.

Coming soon:
The podcast.

Join us on the Climate Creators podcast as we explore innovative solutions and inspiring stories from the frontlines of the climate crisis. Be part of the movement to create a more sustainable future.